Massage + Bodywork
Many people wait to get bodywork until they feel PAIN. I don't mean a little pain, I mean a lot of PAIN. Either there is an incidence of extreme pain (ie: "pulled a muscle") or pain that has built up over time. Often clients schedule appointments with me when the pain has gotten to the point where they can't manage it anymore.
What if you started getting bodywork before it got to the point of "I CAN"T TAKE IT ANYMORE"? I know, I know you're busy and it's expensive and you have to plan ahead, but face it: you will feel better in the long run and have far less incidences of intense pain if you schedule bodywork as a part of your healthcare plan. The benefits of regular (usually monthly) bodywork far outweigh waiting until you get to the "I need it now!" point. The Benefits of Regular Bodywork: 1.) Increases body awareness. Regular bodywork sessions helps you connect to and feel your body. The busyness of our culture often forces us to focus on getting s*%t done. In order to do this we are often also required to negate feeling of fatigue, stress and pain. Increasing your body awareness may help you identify how your body responds to stress and help you make life changes that will lead to a more balanced life. 2.) A Full body massage is like a full body scan. Each time you go in for a bodywork session you have the opportunity to feel all of the areas of your body in one fell swoop. You can identify how those areas of your body feel at that moment and also how they change from session to session. 3.) Regular bodywork helps you connect the dots. You will start to see the patterns of tension in your body and feel how they are related to your activities. Do you often have the same three spots along your neck, shoulder and arm that hurt? Do these areas hurt more when you do a certain activity like using the computer? Noticing pain patterns and being able to connect them to motions you do in daily life is a major key to living pain free. Modifying your movements can help you break down tension that is building up and curb repetitive stress injuries. 4.) Generally decreases stress and tension. Having a monthly bodywork routine along with other self care techniques for stress management allows you to release stress and tension that is stored in the body and just plain RELAX! This means less built up stress and tension which can lead to disease or chronic pain. 5.) Allows you to form a relationship with your therapist. Working with the same therapist over time lets you have a constant external barometer on your body. The therapist can get a strong sense of what patterns of tension you hold in your body over time or how they vary in cycles. Working with the same therapist over time also allows for greater depth in your sessions and success in achieving of your goals. 6.) Regular bodywork often helps you in ways you didn't plan for or know existed. Regular bodywork helps increase circulation, regulate sleep and digestive functions, and general balancing of the body. It may help break down emotional issues that you struggle with or feeling of disconnectedness. Regular bodywork can have profound effects on the way that you live in the world that you did not expect or even anticipate.
![]() This weekend was the first hot one of the summer and I started scrambling for ways to keep cool without air conditioning. Little lightbulb in my head goes off...why not use a peppermint sugar scrub as an invigorating and cooling way to wake up my senses. I'll tell ya, I was so happy with "my discovery." Added bonus: your skin gets moisturized without that sweaty summer lotion feel. Recipe: 3/4 cup of Sugar 6 Tablespoons of Carrier Oil (almond or jojoba oil) 10-14 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil 8 oz jar Mix all ingredients in a bowl. After mixed transfer to jar. Instructions: Scrub over skin and rinse off. |
AuthorAmy Daws is a trained Therapeutic Massage, Shiatsu, Chi Nei Tsang and Craniosacral therapist. She is a nerd at heart and loves sharing what she is learning about with her clients. Archives
May 2024